Wednesday, November 6, 2019


When I first started teaching, I liked to wear my gold necklaces to school and had no idea how it was like being robbed of my favourite gold necklace. A neighbour had already given me warning earlier saying that it was not safe to walk around with a gold necklace but I did not pay any attention to his advice. On the day I was robbed of my gold necklace, I had this uneasy feeling that something bad would happen that day and true enough, as I was walking to school from the nearby LRT station, an Indian guy pulled my pony tail from behind and snatched my gold necklace. I tried to hit him with my umbrella but he was too strong for me. My umbrella fell to the ground as he grabbed my gold pendant necklace and I was really scared at that moment. I thought that the next thing he would do was to snatch my handbag but he walked slowly away back to the LRT station as though he knew that no one would dare to do anything to him. I didn't even shout knowing that it would be useless as there was no one around and I would only injure myself if I tried to get back my necklace. It seemed that he was happy with my gold pendant necklace and that was probably the reason why he did not snatch my handbag. I did not lodge a police report that day knowing that my gold pendant necklace would never be found again. I just called the police to inform them of what happened telling them to patrol that area more often. They told me that they did patrol the area and the snatch thieves only came out when they were not around. But my heart really broke that day because I lost my favourite gold necklace and gold Jesus pendant so unexpectedly - I couldn't help feeling that something in my life was missing and it took me days before I could get over it. From that day onwards, I dare not wear real gold necklaces again in my life. And that was how I developed a penchant for fashion jewellery.

Women and jewellery are inseparable and fashion jewellery makes it much more affordable for them to look stylish. Throughout the years, the popularity of fashion jewellery, also known as costume jewellery, has greatly increased as more and more women prefer to wear affordable / cheaper price jewellery that could make them look beautiful, trendy, and elegant without having to worry over their safety. In actual fact, there is no marked difference between real and imitation jewellery and if you are not careful you would not be able to notice the difference between them. Since they are easily available in various designs and colours, selecting the right fashion jewellery to match your clothes is never a problem. Nowadays, no one would bother whether you are wearing real or imitation jewellery as long as you look stylish and elegant. Further, fashion jewellery is not only more beautiful than real jewellery but also long lasting so you can be sure you that they really worth more than what you pay for. But, the most important thing is - it does not matter if you were robbed of your fashion jewellery as you can easily purchase new ones from your favourite shops or online stores. And of course you can buy as many as you want as you can easily afford to do so without having to dig a hole in your pocket. Buying fashion jewellery in bulk would also mean that you can get a good discount. That is what I always do - in the photos below you can see the latest batch of my pendant necklaces, all bought on the same day (a few months back).

I always attach a Jesus pendant to my necklaces. In the above photo, I have chosen the Divine Mercy pendant to match this necklace.

I bought the Jesus pendant (in the above photo) from Medjugorje. I still have 6 of these pendants left after all these years. Please click here to view the pendants that I bought in Medjugorje.

The presence of Jesus makes me feel safe and secure - that's why I attach a Jesus pendant to my necklaces. This is a habit I cannot change.

I wear the cross as an expression of my love and respect for Jesus. The cross is also a reminder of what Jesus did for us. 

The Crowning with Thorns Pendant Necklace

I also buy my Jesus pendants in bulk

The Sacred Heart of Jesus Pendant Necklace

The Sacred Heart of Jesus Pendant Necklace

Please click here to view more photos of the necklaces in my collection.

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