Saturday, July 31, 2021

Here They Rape Again - How to Protect Yourself Against Sex Crimes

This article is specially written in commemoration of 13-year-old schoolgirl, Leonie Eltern, from the Lower Austrian district of Tulln, who was kidnapped, drugged, raped, tortured and murdered by four Afghan asylum seekers (aged 16, 18, 22 and 23) in Vienna. Her lifeless body was rolled in a Persian carpet and dumped next to a tree, 100 meters from the crime scene. One of the suspects is an "unaccompanied minor" (it should be noted that in Europe, even criminals in their 30s can turn into unaccompanied minors). Officials have said that the victim knew two of the suspects and had followed them voluntarily to an apartment where she was given drugs (to make her compliant), tortured, brutally raped and strangled. What a shame! These Afghans come to Austria to seek protection, but, is that the way they repay their host country? Yes, the Afghans are coming (because the Taliban forces in Afghanistan are gaining ground) and once they are in EU territory, they can apply for asylum and cannot be deported. What is Europe going to do with the next wave of Afghans? Not only Afghans - Bangladeshis, Pakistanis, Eritreans, Moroccans, Tunisians and Syrians are on their way too. To be exact, millions of economic refugees from the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia are coming to Europe. How many millions of them are already in Europe? How is Europe going to deal with them? Open its borders wide to welcome them or defend its borders? Building more reception centers would only exacerbate the migrant crisis and pushbacks are essential to save Europe from migrant crime and violence. But, according to V4 Report, the EU is not interested in stopping mass migration and only wants to manage migration, i.e., help to shelter migrants and deal with them financially. Euro MP, Gunnar Beck, had said that the EU was talking about importing up to 70 million Africans into Europe by 2035. It therefore seems that the EU is ready to welcome anyone who crosses its borders.

Since most of the European migrants are aggressive, violent, strong and healthy military age males, taking in millions of them from unknown backgrounds would mean that many lives could be at stake. Do you think that they can live celibate lives? Of course not or there won't be so many migrant rapes throughout Europe. The problem is, if those who are having their wives and children around are still busy raping White women, what about those who come without their families? And they seem to enjoy raping White women very much - the Afghans who gang-raped and murdered Leonie Eltern even boasted with pals about having wild sex with her and gang-raping her!  RIP Leonie Eltern, these sex perverts will be punished for their crime.

Rape can be very devastating for a woman and her life would never be the same again after her terrible ordeal at the hands of the rapefugees even if she is lucky enough to be alive after that. For the purposes of self-preservation, White women should learn to protect themselves against sexual crimes. Although they cannot protect themselves completely from the rapefugees given the fact that there are already millions of them in Europe, they can still help to reduce their risk of being raped and murdered. Most women would resist by biting, screaming, fighting and running away but find it impossible to escape because the rapefugees are too strong for them. With so many rapefugees on their way to Europe for the generous benefits, there is no end in sight to rape and White women should take charge of their own safety. Here are some tips which I hope would be useful to prevent this crime or reduce its risks.
  • Do not go out alone, always have someone to keep you company.
  • If possible, never leave the house in the wee hours of the morning or at night.
  • Avoid isolated areas as there would be no one to help you if you are attacked.
  • Be alert to your surroundings and walk only in well-lit areas.
  • Sometimes you have to trust your instincts - if you feel that the place is unsafe or you feel uncomfortable with it, then do not go there or leave immediately.
  • Do not accept drinks from strangers. If you really want to have a drink, order it yourself and watch it being poured. 
  • Always keep an eye on your drink to ensure that no one slips anything in it. If you have left your drink unattended, even for a short while, get a new one.
  • When attending parties or social gatherings, stay with a group of friends whom you can trust. Do not wander off alone.
  • Do not simply give away your address and telephone number to strangers.
  • Make sure that your mobile phone is charged at all times because you don't know when you might need it.
  • Be careful about what you post on social media especially your location. Do not advertise your personal info on the internet.
  • Never follow strangers to their apartments or hotels because you do not know what is waiting for you.
  • Make sure you lock your doors and windows before you sleep.
  • When you move into a new home or apartment, change the keys and locks. 
  • Never let a stranger inside your house.
  • Install a door viewer and look who is at the door before opening it.
  • Never accept free rides from strangers or carry strangers in your car.
  • Take a self defense / martial arts course.
Sexual assault is a serious crime and should be reported to the police immediately. Do not suffer in silence. Remember, do not take a shower after a sexual assault and never change your clothes or wash your clothes because DNA evidence can be found on the victim's body and clothes. Seek medical help.

Sexual assault is NOT the fault of the victims so do not blame yourself. Do not commit suicide because you will never have another life again.

If you want to get a list of migrant rape cases described in detail, please click here and here. In the following section, I would like to share some of the latest European migrant rape cases in chronological order. You can click on the titles of each case to read more about it.

A 26-year-old Afghani migrant, Mohammed Rahman Arsala, raped a 12-year-old boy in Saint-Brieuc, on 25 August 2018. He met the boy on the bus, got off the same stop as the boy and followed him. He then grabbed his arm and dragged him to an abandoned house near a playground and attacked him. Mohammed's lawyer blamed his criminal behavior on his Afghan culture as it is customary for young boys to become sex slaves in Afghanistan.

A 47-year-old HIV positive Zimbabwean asylum seeker, Cloud Chunga, had unprotected sex with a 15-year-old girl who skipped school and was still wearing her uniform, in a flat in the Beaumont Leys area of Leicester, in November 2020. Photographs of the topless girl in bed with him could be found on his mobile phone. The defendant befriended the girl on a social media site and embarked on sexualised private conversations with her. He even told the girl that she was sexy and pretty and sent her lewd pictures of himself. 

33-year-old Muhebullah Dadwal, who was married with children, kidnapped and raped a 19-year-old woman at knifepoint, in November 2019. He threatened to dump her body and kill her family if she went to the police.

A 69-year-old French woman was raped after two illegal Algerian migrants (aged 20 & 21) broke into her home in Palaiseau, Essonne, at around 3 a.m. on 21 May 2021. 

A 29-year-old Nigerian migrant had physically abused and raped a woman whom he persuaded to enter into a sham marriage so that he could acquire French citizenship. The woman was made pregnant. In June 2021, the Algerian assaulted his victim again on the street in Le Puy-en-Velay and was arrested.

A 25-year-old pregnant woman was raped by an Afghan migrant and three Pakistanis in the Agios Panteleimonas neighborhood of Athens on 23 June 2021. 

41-year-old Manzoor Hassan got a 16-year-old Huddersfield girl hooked on drugs, committed serious sexual offences against her, took her to Great Northern Street (Huddersfield's red light district) and forced her into sex work for his own financial benefit. The teenager was living in a children's home when she met him.

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