Friday, October 16, 2009


Musée de Cire (Lourdes) is devoted entirely to a religious theme. The museum, which is located at 87, rue de la Grotte, 65100 Lourdes, is one of the top tourist attractions of Lourdes. This waxworks museum is dedicated exclusively to the lives of Jesus and St' Bernadette. Here, you can see more than 100 life-size wax figures illustrating the main events of their lives. There are altogether 18 scenes representing several episodes in the Saint's life including her first apparition and the various scenes from the New Testament that tell the stories of the life of Jesus. The Last Supper scene, based on Leonardo da Vinci's famous 15th Century mural painting, is one of the museum's highlights.

On the first floor of the museum, visitors will be able to see the important scenes dedicated to Saint Bernadette's life such as her first apparition and death. The various biblical scenes about the life of Jesus from his birth to his ascension can be found on the second and third floorss of the museum. The fourth floor is dedicated to some of the major events in the Catholic Church such as the beautiful meeting of John Paul II and Mother Teresa. The museum exit is on the fifth floor where visitors can enjoy some magnificent views of the town of Lourdes and its fortified castle.

When I was in the museum, I couldn't help feeling that I was in another world - as though I was living during the time of our Lord as well as sharing the life of St' Bernadette. Everything seemed so real to me because these wax figures looked so lifelike as though they were actually alive. In this article, I would like to share some of the photos which I took in the wax museum during that wonderful moment. Musee de Cire is a museum that is really worth visiting and is a must-visit for any pilgrim to Lourdes. I am sure you will like this museum for its quality and authenticity. Believe me, the memories of this beautiful and amazing museum will be engraved in your mind forever. The museum is within walking distance from the town center and is easily accessible by the Little Train of Lourdes.

The Interrogation

Bernadette entered religious life

The death of Bernadette

The Nativity

Jesus entered Jerusalem

John the Baptist

The Last Supper

The Crucifixion

The burial of Jesus

The Resurrection

The Ascension

The Samaritan 

The Pope

On fifth floor terrace, visitors can see the splendid views of the town of Lourdes and its fortified castle. I stood there for a long time that day, just admiring the stunning views in front of me - the trip to the museum was indeed a pleasurable experience.

The fortified Castle of Lourdes as seen from Musee de Cire

A beautiful view of the town of Lourdes and the River Gave de Pau flowing through it as seen from Musee de Cire

The beautiful town of Lourdes as seen from Musee de Cire

Lourdes is well-known for its numerous museums. To find out more about the museums in Lourdes, you may also like to read The Museum of Lourdes. To read the complete list of my articles about Lourdes, please click here to view the content page of this blog.

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